Discipline Rules
Discipline Rules
- The students should obey the instructions given by the Principal from time to time.
- The student should carry identity card regularly and it should be produced whenever demanded.
- Student must be regular and punctual in attending the classes and practical’s.
- The student is required to submit the assignments in time, failing to which he/she shall be subjected to the disciplinary action.
- The College expects 100% attendance for the theory and practical session. Some relaxation is possible only on valid grounds and with prior permission of the Principal. However in no case the attendance should be less than 80% separately for theory & practical’s; otherwise the student may be detained from appearing to exams.
- Parent’s Meetings will be informed through mobile SMS. Presence of parent’s in meeting is mandatory.
- Parent should regularly review the academic calendar & progress card of the students.
- If the students are found weak in certain subjects, they will have to attend extra classes as notified and make the required progress to come at par with the other students.
- Extra Class presence is a must for direct second year B.pharmacy and backlog students
- The students should read the notice displayed on the notice board regularly & the College will not be responsible for the loss of any advantage due to negligence of reading notice.
- Consumption of tobacco (Smoking, Gutkha, Pan), Chewing Gum in the premises is strictly prohibited.
- The use of devices like mobile phone, tab are strictly prohibited in the classroom and laboratories.
- The student should not involve in any such activity which may cause damage to the college property. It will be viewed seriously and is likely to result in recovery of the cost of damage.
- Students must wear prescribed uniform & apron during College hours.
- Students will not indulge in any antisocial activity and will not form a group causing any damage to the reputation of the college inside or outside of the campus.
- Fee structure declared by Shikshan Shulka Samiti, Govt of Maharashtra will be final & if any arrears, will have to be paid by the student’s side, he/she has to pay the required amount of arrear.
- Students are bound to the above rules of discipline which are subject to change or modifications. The modification can be done wherever the Principal deems it fit & proper. The decision of the Principal shall be final and binding on the students.
- Ragging in any form inside or outside the campus is strictly prohibited by law. Any student found ragging others will be summarily expelled from the College and disciplinary action as per Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragging Act 1999 will be taken.